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Students from EU countries? You are wantend!! "Call for Articies"


In order to promote the interactions between EU students and Taiwanese people, European Union Research Centre at National Dong Hwa University is going to hold a workshop, entitled “EU-Kaleidoscope,” at National Dong Hwa University on May 25, 2012 for six EU students to introduce the geography, history, cultures, languages, or life-styles of EU countries and meanwhile get subsidised for their stay in Taiwan. Each student chosen will be selected through a process of evaluation, will be required to submit an article and conduct a presentation in the workshop, and will be awarded 5,000 NT dollars.



Eligibility requirements and instructions on how to participate are shown below:


To apply for this grant, please submit the application form along with an article proposal to EURC (email: by April 06, 2012. Notification of acceptance will be announced on April 18, 2011. The grant holders are required to submit the complete article (less than 10 pages) to EURC (email: by May 04, 2012 and conduct a presentation based on the written article for 15 minutes in the workshop on May 25, 2012.


Evaluation standards:

  • The significance of the topic (40%)
  • The affinity of the topic to the EU (30%)
  • The originality of the presentation (30%)


Download the application form on EURC website (



*The presentation could be conducted in English or Chinese.


European Union Centre in Taiwan, National Taiwan University

European Union Research Centre, National Dong Hwa University


European Union Research Centre, National Dong Hwa University

Contact person: Molly Lin

Tel:  (03)-863-5941

Fax: (03)-863-5940



