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國立東華大學 歐盟研究中心

2018.09.17 The Recent Development of the EU and Prospect of EU-Taiwan Relations
2018.06.08 Dr.Sang- chul Park European Union and the Asia Economic Integration
2018.06.08 Dr. Sang- chul Park Globalization and Europe
2018.05.18Prof. Dr. Eike-Christian Hornig-The History of Federalism and Unitarism Europe
20180518 Prof. Dr. Eike-Christian Hornig-Latest Developments in German Politics
2018.05.04黃偉峰副研究員 Exploring the EP's Assertiveness on EU External Agreements
2018.04.20賴昀辰教授 Brexit's impact to the European Union: external and internal effects
2018.3.23 冷則剛教授 Glocalization and China
2017.12.11 朱鎮明教授 Good bye Lenin and the Development of European Administrative Space
2017.12.25Prof. Emilian Kavalski  Eastern Europe:Between Brussels and Beijing
2017.12.04 Prof. Dieter Eissel 歐盟金融與預算危機:希臘撙節政策個案
2017.11.27 Ms. Madeleine MAJORENKO (EU after 60 years:Retrospect and Prospect)
2017.11.20 石忠山教授 (歐洲統合精神的形上學反思)
2017.10.30 The EU's External Economic Relations and Its Normative Power
2017.10.23 German Federal Election and the transformation of the Party Politics in Germany
2017.09.25 The Recent Development of the EU and Prospect of EU-Taiwan Relation
2017.06.02 Trump's Foreign Policy and U.S.-China Relations
2017.05.26 In Search of a 'European Identity': The Cultural and Civilisational Europe
2017.05.19New Era of the Relations between UK and the European Union: Impact on the Globalization
2017.04.28Asymmetric Adjustments between Credial Finators and Debtors