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國立東華大學 歐盟研究中心

時間:105年3月25日Dr. Sang- chul Park專題演講(二)
講題:東亞經濟統合及其結構(East Asian Economic Integration and Structure)
主講人:Dr. San...

EUTW Forum on Environment and Science

Date/Time: 13 April (Mon) 09:00-12:30
Venue: Liang Kuo Shu International Conference Hall, on the Third Floor of the College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University

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Call for Articles

In order to promote the interactions between EU students and Taiwanese people, European Union Research Centre at National Dong Hwa University is going to hold a workshop, entitled “EU-Kaleidoscope,” at National Dong Hwa University on May, 2015 for five EU students to introduce the geography, history, cultures, languages, or life-styles of EU countries and meanwhile get subsidised for their stay in Taiwan. Each student chosen will be selected through a process of evaluation, will be required to submit an article and conduct a presentation in the workshop, and will be awarded 4,000-6,000 NT dollars. 

Eligibility requirements and instructions on how to participate are shown below:

To apply for this grant, please submit the application form along with an article proposal to EURC (email: by April 21, 2015. Notification of acceptance will be announced on April 28, 2015. The grant holders are required to submit the complete article (less than 10 pages) to EURC (email: by May 12, 2015 and conduct a presentation based on the written article for 15 minutes in the workshop at the end of May, 2015.


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Topic: 【European Fourm:EU and Russian-Starting From Ukraine Crisis 】
Speaker:Professor Mei-Lan Huang (Graduate Institute of Russian Studies, National Chenchi University)
Keynote Speaker:Professor Chung-Shan Shih(Public Of administration, NDHU)
Moderator:Professor Chin-Peng Chin Chu(Director of EURC, NDHU;Public Of administration, NDHU
Location:Humanities and Social Science Buliding I  A207
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