中、英文論文來稿,請將申請表連同論文摘要500字,以報名表word檔格式於2012年4月06日前email至eurc@mail.ndhu.edu.tw。 報名表下載方式請至http://www.eurc.ndhu.edu.tw。 論文接受通知預計於4月20日公告。論文接受者需準備15分鐘的論文發表,論文全文(以不超過10,000字為限)。 論文接受者需準備15分鐘的論文發表,論文全文(以不超過10,000字為限)請於5月04日前繳交。
國立東華大學歐盟研究中心 聯絡人:林怡孜助理 電話:03-8635941 傳真:03-8635940 E-mail:eurc@mail.ndhu.edu.tw 網址:http://www.eurc.ndhu.edu.tw
In order to promote the interactions between EU students and Taiwanese people, European Union Research Centre at National Dong Hwa University is going to hold a workshop, entitled “EU-Kaleidoscope,” at National Dong Hwa University on May 25, 2012 for six EU students to introduce the geography, history, cultures, languages, or life-styles of EU countries and meanwhile get subsidised for their stay in Taiwan. Each student chosen will be selected through a process of evaluation, will be required to submit an article and conduct a presentation in the workshop, and will be awarded 5,000 NT dollars.
Eligibility requirements and instructions on how to participate are shown below:
To apply for this grant, please submit the application form along with an article proposal to EURC (email: eurc@mail.ndhu.edu.tw) by April 06, 2012. Notification of acceptance will be announced on April 18, 2011. The grant holders are required to submit the complete article (less than 10 pages) to EURC (email: eurc@mail.ndhu.edu.tw) by May 04, 2012 and conduct a presentation based on the written article for 15 minutes in the workshop on May 25, 2012.
Evaluation standards:
Download the application form on EURC website (http://www.eurc.ndhu.edu.tw)
Note: *The presentation could be conducted in English or Chinese. Organisers: European Union Centre in Taiwan, National Taiwan University European Union Research Centre, National Dong Hwa University
European Union Research Centre, National Dong Hwa University Contact person: Molly Lin Tel: (03)-863-5941 Fax: (03)-863-5940 E-mail: eurc@mail.ndhu.edu.tw Website: http://www.eurc.ndhu.edu.tw
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