古淑萍(Ku Shu-Ping)英美系文學媒體組碩士二年級 論文題目:歐洲文化及宮崎駿動畫 麥婉琪(Wan Chi Mai)公共行政研究所碩二 論文題目:歐洲區域整合與歐盟共同農業之探討 劉怡妏 (YI-Wen, Liu)英美系文學媒體組碩士二年級 論文題目:當代幻奇小說冰與火之歌中,日耳曼北歐神話與歐洲中世紀歷史的體現 吳孟蓉(Meng Jung Wu)社會所/4年級 陳素梅(Su Mei Chen) 社會所/4年級 論文題目:瑞典、法國、英國親職假制度及其效應之比較研究 ------------------------------------ 論文徵求 「國立東華大學歐盟研究中心」與「臺灣歐洲聯盟中心」將於2014年6月5日共同舉辦「國立東華大學歐盟研究學生工作坊」,鼓勵本校對歐洲政治、經濟、社會、文化及歷史等與歐洲相關領域有興趣之學生投稿,使其藉由發表研究論文的機會,與歐盟研究學者、學生對話,幫助其論文研究之進行,期能促進本校師生對歐盟的認識暨鼓勵歐盟相關研究。來稿需經審查,錄取優秀論文摘要5篇,作者需繳交論文全文,於工作坊發表,並可獲頒4,000-6,000元研究獎學金。 中、英文論文來稿,請將申請表連同論文摘要500字,以報名表word檔格式於2014年5月7日前email至eurc@mail.ndhu.edu.tw。報名表下載方式請至http://www.eurc.ndhu.edu.tw。論文接受者請於5月12日前繳交論文,全文論文全文(以不超過10,000字為限)。論文接受通知預計於5月22日公告。論文接受者需準備15分鐘的論文於6月5日發表。 評審標準: 研究主題與歐洲聯盟之關聯性(40%) 研究主題之重要性(30%) 預期研究成果(30%) 主辦單位:國立臺灣大學臺灣歐洲聯盟中心、國立東華大學歐盟研究中心 國立東華大學歐盟研究中心 聯絡人:黃惠鈴助理 手機:0981-835715 電話:03-8635941 傳真:03-8635940 E-mail:eurc@mail.ndhu.edu.tw 網址:http://www.eurc.ndhu.edu.tw Call for Articles-Students from EU Countries Students from EU countries? You are wanted!! Call for Articles In order to promote the interactions between EU students and Taiwanese people, European Union Research Centre at National Dong Hwa University is going to hold a workshop, entitled “EU-Kaleidoscope,” at National Dong Hwa University on June 5, 2014 for five EU students to introduce the geography, history, cultures, languages, or life-styles of EU countries and meanwhile get subsidised for their stay in Taiwan. Each student chosen will be selected through a process of evaluation, will be required to submit an article and conduct a presentation in the workshop, and will be awarded 4,000-6,000 NT dollars. Eligibility requirements and instructions on how to participate are shown below: To apply for this grant, please submit the application form along with an article abstract to EURC (email: eurc@mail.ndhu.edu.tw) by May 05, 2014. The complete article (less than 10 pages) to EURC (email: eurc@mail.ndhu.edu.tw) should be submitted by May 12, 2014. Notification of the grant holders will be announced on May 22, 2014. and the grant holders are required to conduct a presentation based on the written article for 15 minutes in the workshop on June 5, 2014. Evaluation standards: The significance of the topic (40%) The affinity of the topic to the EU (30%) The originality of the presentation (30%) Download the application form on EURC website (http://www.eurc.ndhu.edu.tw) Note: *The presentation could be conducted in English or Chinese. Organizers: European Union Centre in Taiwan, National Taiwan University European Union Research Centre, National Dong Hwa University European Union Research Centre, National Dong Hwa University Contact person: Hui-Ling Hung Tel: (03)-863-5941、0981-835715 Fax: (03)-863-5940 E-mail: eurc@mail.ndhu.edu.tw Website: http://www.eurc.ndhu.edu.tw ![]() ![]() 瀏覽數
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